Tuesday, May 6, 2008


the map is done i thought sandy emailed everyone the link, but I guess he didn't. The map is GREAT!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Here is the link to the Morganhdad Times

Thursday, April 24, 2008

about the flash file

can you just send the finished flash file to sandy and he is going to incorporate it into a URL website. his email address is: charles.baldwin@mail.wvu.edu

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

link to my blog

life in morganhdad
Hey everyone,
I wrote the press release for the bombing but I have some questions about the news article I should write. I'm thinking maybe I should wait until I see what you have written about the even so that our stories can coincide. Is this ok? if anyone sees this before 5pm just comment back, thanks!


Monday, April 21, 2008

bombing in the green zone

here is a great link for a bombing in the greenzone. http://blogs.wsj.com/iraq/

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Basic outline

These are my locations for the story... I'm not including all of the details because I'm not sure what they will be yet.
1. Haleb Square (where my house is) (7am)
2. Art Center (9am)
3. Unknown soldier monument (10am)
4. Fine Arts School (2pm)
5. Bus Station (4pm)/Oman Square (4-5:30pm)
6. Council of Ministries (6pm)

I will have all the details done by Tuesday.
